Have you seen the dialogue line from a movie or a video, being displayed below the screen? This is called as Captions. Captions are transcripts of a digital format. They are displayed in order to accurately interact (to stay connected and be understood) with the medium one is watching. There are services to provide 2 varieties of captioning works: we have Open Captions on one side and Closed Captioning or CC on the other. Proceed reading below to know the difference between both these services.


Open Captioning plays the role of displaying text over a video, which cannot be turned on or off. A few popular website videos and online promotional platforms have these types of captions. Baked on, burned-in, hard-coded captions, etc. are some of the names to denote open captions. Service providers do not have the problem of saving the file and its format separately.

Closed captioning can be turned on or off manually as per one’s needs. Digital video platforms like Netflix, YouTube, and even some DVD players have the option of CC. Most of the providers are present for online closed captioning service for various purposes.

If you are still thinking as to why one should prefer online closed captioning service rather than open, then move ahead down ways.


Considering CC, you are beneficial as a viewer on 3 bases:

 1:  You are permitted to change the presentation of the video format.

 2: You can give these captions for huge dynamic video contents.

 3: You can still enjoy a low-quality video, when a good caption is provided.

You may now think that CC is like subtitles. If yes, then you are wrong. Both have a prime difference in their quality. Subtitles are the transcript of a video, which is always translated for the viewer. Whereas, closed captions are the exact format of text, displayed according to a video’s script.


The rates of online closed captioning rely primarily on 4 common factors:

  1. Video duration/length
  1. Quality of the content
  1. Type of service and procedures requested
  1. Extra features present

The most common ‘per minute’ is the basis for several captioning vendors. This ranges from 1$ to a maximum of 15 $/P.M. Keep in mind that,

  • Number of speakers
  • Resubmissions
  • Formatting
  • Integrations of video platforms

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