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Expert Korean Subtitling Services

Get professional Korean subtitling services by native Korean translators at cost effective prices in quick turnaround time.

100+ Languages

100+ Languages



Turnaround Time

Turnaround Time

Our Core Values : Quality

At Vanan Captioning, our process goes through various quality checks to ensure supremacy in precision and accuracy. Our captioners are professionals who have a great hold over their work structure and analyse every step of the captioning process. We prefer to deliver 100% quality and timely delivery over anything else.

Related captioning services

Close captioning

The princess where a text version of the spoken words in the video are being displayed on screen is called Closed captioning. It is highly useful for those who have hearing impairement or are hard of hearing. It stipulates uninterrupted video watching for all kinds of people without any disturbance or discrepancy.

Broadcast captioning

Broadcast captioning is perhaps a real time captioning procedure where captioners work on the news text that have to be accurate for the readers. This is mostly done based on the language that is needed and to acquire the news without confusion.

Offline captioning

Offline captioning is basically when teh captioning work is done usually after an event or on pre recorded shows. Vanan Captioning is the exclusive provider of offline captioning for prerecorded programs. Our offline captioners are experienced in handling shows such as interview, speech, debate or discussion.

Open captioning

The process of capturing and displaying all sounds and words that are heard during a video is called open captioning. This is very similar to closed captionig. Open captioning although does not have the option of turning off the captions when not necessary.

Youtube captioning

Captions on YouTube videos generally help in ranking systems making your video visible to a lot more audience. The text on the video makes it accessible and increases your SEO chances of audience engagement even with people who are hard of hearing.

Video captioning

Video captioning helps in converting audio content of a video into a text and then synchronizes the text that is transcribed to the video. The text gets displayed in segmanets within a timely gap that aligns between words and the video. It helps many people who are unaware of the language in understanding better.

Our Clients



File formats

Accepting and delivering in the file format of the customer’s choice is our top priority. Choose from any of our formats and get delivered accordingly.

  • .M4A
  • .SMI
  • .M4B
  • .M4A
  • .SMI
  • .M4B

Platforms we do

Since we concentrate on all platforms, our Captioning Services are also provided and available for customer use in the following major platforms, we also extend our service to other 50+ platforms. Chat with us to know more.

Significant languages we deliver

We trust that every customer needs to have access to the language of their choice. Vanan captioning supports 100+ languages such as Mandarin, Cantonese, Arabic, French and more where we work only with native captioners to give you the best language support possible.

Our Services Extend Further Than The Languages Mentioned Below

Spanish - English
Japanese - English
French - English
German - English
Arabic - English
Chinese - English

We extend our services to our clients in fulfilling requirements with our wide range of native translator community across languages.

Korean subtitling

Korean subtitling services par excellence is offered at Vanan Captioning. We have rich expertise in catering all kinds of English to Korean Subtitling and Korean to subtitling services. Our reasonable rates kick off at only $11.20 per minute. For support, please contact 1-800-230-7918. It takes few seconds to upload the clients file at our website. We revert with our rate quotes immediately.

Our expertise ensures top-quality Korean subtitling for your content

Korean is a language native to North and South Korea. 80 million speakers speak it all across the globe. It is spoken in North Korea, South Korea Japan, and China.

Korean Subtitling Services

Korean media has taken the world by force. Phenomenons like K-pop, K-drama, and K-films - popularly called as “Korean wave” (Hallyu) – have accomplished influential recognition and international reputation. Figures, the likes of, Song Kang-ho, Bong Joon-ho, and BTS are now a household name. The number of people wishing to learn Korean has grown exponentially over the years.

There is numerous positivity associated with Korean subtitling. Korean subtitling helps in increasing content visibility, is of great benefit to people with hearing disparity, helps with learning the language, and many times required by law (especially in the Western world).

However, Korean subtitling can be a difficult ordeal. Besides the perceived difficulty of the Korean language, problems can arise during encoding and translation. Vanan captioning offers technical professionals and native Korean subtitlers and translators to help you get accurate, quick, timely, well-formatted, and well-synchronized subtitles.

Full-Service Korean Subtitling Services

Discover seamless translation of videos and other subtitling services for all sorts of content with Vanan Captioning. As millions of internet users watch videos online, multilingual video translation and subtitling services have become all the more essential. As geographical boundaries are dissolving, we have emerged as a premier provider of a wide range of Korean captioning services to bridge the gap and convey the meaning in its purest form and intent.

Korean video translation and subtitling services with expert translators.

As global audiences watch videos from different languages, we provide impeccable quality of subtitling services to convey the core meaning in its most organic form. We boast of having a stream of expert subtitling translators pro in audio-visual translation while adhering to the technical requirements.

While most translators offer literal translation into understandable language, our consummate subtitle translators strive to localize the content to keep the dialects and cultural intonation in consideration for enhanced subtitling services.

Whether business conferences, tutorials, internal training videos, product presentations, or any other content, we offer our superlative video translation services to make it a lot easier for the audience to grasp the details to convey the core message.

We have set high benchmarks through our crisp and clear translation services to all our business and individual clients. Every nitty-gritty is factored in before drafting the content into comprehensible form for final delivery. There is the complete focus given to the linguistic, syntax, cultural differences, and many other factors to serve polished and professional captioning services.

Call us or write to us for free quotes and more information on our Korean subtitling services.

We Offer:

  • Korean audio subtitling
  • Korean video subtitling
  • Korean audiovisual translation subtitling
  • Korean subtitling translation
  • Korean movie subtitling
  • Korean e-learning subtitling
  • Korean film subtitling
  • Korean commercial subtitling and more subtitling services.

We Offer Subtitling the Following Languages to Korean:

Some of the file formats that we accept for subtitling online services are; MicroDVD, Ogg Writ, LRC, Timed Text, SubRip, SubViewer, and more.

Hire Our Korean Subtitling Services Experts

We boast of a competent team of professional subtitle translators who are versed with the Korean language and consumed in the job's nuances. Credit goes to the proficient subtitling specialists who astutely transcribe, format, and time code all the dialogues while diligently researching unfamiliar terms to form cohesive translated content. A thorough review is assumed afterward of the source and the translation template to evaluate the integrity of the meaning conveyed.

Professional Korean subtitle translator at Vanan Captioning.

Be assured that our team is extremely dedicated to every assigned job despite the challenges that come along. We are proficient enough to churn out swift subtitle translation of a large volume of video content without missing out on the most delicate details.

You can find specialists for translation and interpretation apart from many other services. Do not hesitate to talk to our experts for better insights into our practical consortium or services, including the ever favored subtitling services. As a leading captioning company, we understand the gravity of the trust bequeathed on our competent team from our esteemed league of global clients. Our consummate experts are abreast with the latest technologies that support and speed up the process of captioning services to individuals and companies alike.

Look at our proud list of business clients to get a fair idea about our extensive experience and global reputation.

Call us at "or write to us "to hire us for Korean Subtitling Services

You Can Trust Us

Years of rendering flawless Korean subtitling services have made us a trusted choice of companies of all sizes. We have sourced some of the finest and experienced translators who are masters of their field and have tightened their grip on swift and Korean language translation.

Be it grasping culturally relevant idioms or the text; our subtitle translators diligently paraphrase the content while retaining its actual meaning.

Intrigued? Get in Touch For Discussion:

Our subtitle translators are capable of translating into several languages. So, you can be sure of finding a suitable translator to meet the precise requirements for your business.

Unmatched Quality That You Deserve

Our panel of high-caliber translators periodically undergoes extensive industry training to deliver upon your clients' expectations and have the suitable qualification to provide unparalleled services. Not only are our translators technically sound, but also a deep understanding of both the language and cultures to render flawless Korean subtitling services. After the subtitles for a video or audio content has been prepared, a panel of highly qualified editors will rigorously go through the document, proofreading the document, and scrutinizing the details before submitting it to our client.

Speed & Efficiency

Speed and efficiency are the two fundamental cornerstones to successfully delivering Korean video subtitling services. Therefore, when you contact us for an assignment, one of our specialist translators will put forth a custom quote based on your requirement and timeline to deliver the assignment. If you have an urgency, do let us know, we'll make the necessary arrangement to take up your project on priority to meet your business needs efficiently.

We value our word given to the clients for timely and accurate delivery of our elaborative translation services. Every captioning expert strives to give his or her best to honor the commitment and serve the clients in the best possible manner.

Confidentiality & Reassurance

Vanan Captioning assures you that your confidential personal and professional information is safe and secure, and not only authorized individuals will have access to it. Being a leading Korean captioning services company, we are ready to ink the NDA or confidentiality agreement with clients to present you complete peace of mind that your information is safe with us.

Marketing Subtitling Services For Brand Engagement

Vanan Captioning provides high-quality marketing subtitling services to companies of all sizes worldwide. With a high degree of industry expertise and cultural sensitivity, we provide immaculate translation to a broad consortium of marketing material in several foreign languages.

Vanan Captioning offers high-quality Korean marketing subtitling services worldwide with industry expertise.

Marketing captioning is one of the most challenging forms of subtitling to get right as it is very involved in terms of language skills and cultural awareness. From experience, translating general and technical text can be very straight forward as the message conveyed is very clear.

However, marketing documentation is usually targeted to a local audience and written in a persuasive style. Therefore, it is vital not only for the translator to fully understand the cultural context and local colloquialisms/expressions but also not to misinterpret the original ideas or translate awkwardly.

Be assured that our specialists are well-tuned to the modalities involved in localization to translate marketing content that resonates with the desired marketing message and cultural nuances that resonate in your original template and fit into the new market.

What Makes Our Korean Subtitling Services Stand Out?

We understand that a lot is riding on Korean subtitling services for companies vying for new markets worldwide. Even a minor captioning error could dent brand reputation forever. This has compelled us to thoroughly vet every translator before hiring for the highly specialized job.

Over the years, we have become the first choice of many companies. The reasons for the same are mentioned below:

Specialized For Marketing Captioning

We do not believe in a mediocre job. Our hired transcribers are attuned to the relevance of sales and promotional materials. Trust on their craft to weave excellent subtitling with flawless usage and meaning of English to create the right impression on the audience.

Our collaborative consortium of services includes translation for business, entertainment, and other kinds of video content. That's not all; you can get error-less video transcription services as well.

Cultural Sensitive

We understand the intricate variations in cultures around the globe. Our transcribers learn and incorporate the subtle cultural shades and style to gain prompt acceptance and accelerate audience response.


Years of service have helped us grasp the value of a painstaking approach to get a deep insight into the original copy of your marketing material. Be it a video or anything else; our specialists strive to do an immaculate job without missing out on any of the imperatives.

Proficient to Handle Bulk Work

We boast of a decent number of dedicated transcribers who can deal with bulk work on a per-day basis. We have set high standards for others to follow, and we aren't stopping here any sooner.

Quick turnarounds for Tight deadlines

We value time invested in us by each of our clients. Given sales and promotions are strategic for companies; we deliver translated content as per our committed deadline to achieve client satisfaction.

Call us at "or write to us for free quotes and gather relevant information about our Korean subtitling services.

Affordable Korean to English Subtitling Services

We aren't too pricey. Be assured that our Korean subtitling services offer complete value to each of our clients to help them achieve their primary business goals.

If that holds your interest, consult our experts to experience our proud and professional captioning services to get off to a good start for your business.

Vanan Captioning offers affordable Korean subtitling services with complete value for clients to achieve their business goals.

Error Free Services

We understand the challenges that come with subtitling services in foreign languages. Given the severity of the job undertaken, we keep our translation services bereft of any lingering ambiguity and textual or any other error to deliver a quality piece of content.

Our Korean captioning serv ices (Korean Captioning Services Cover)

Closed Captioning Service

The process where a text version of the spoken words in the video is displayed on the screen is called Closed captioning. It is beneficial for those who have a hearing impairment or are hard of hearing. It stipulates uninterrupted video watching for all kinds of people without any disturbance or discrepancy.

Broadcast Captioning Service

Broadcast captioning is perhaps a real-time captioning procedure where transcribers work with the news text to be accurate to the readers. It is generally done based on the language needed and to get the news without confusion.

Offline Captioning Service

Offline captioning occurs when the captioning work is done, usually after an event or on prerecorded shows. Vanan Captioning is the exclusive provider of offline captioning of prerecorded programs. Our offline transcribers handle shows such as interviews, speech, debate, or discussion.

Open Captioning Service

The procedure of capturing and displaying all sounds and words heard during a video is called open captioning. It is very similar to closed captioning. Open captioning, although it does not have the option of turning off the captions when unnecessary.

YouTube Captioning Service

Captions on YouTube videos generally help in ranking systems, making your video visible to a lot more audience. The video's text makes it accessible and increases your SEO chances of audience engagement, even with hard-of-hearing people.

Video Captioning Service

Video captioning helps convert the audio content of a video into a text and then synchronize the text transcribed to the video. The text gets displayed in segments within a time gap that aligns between words and the video. It helps many people who are unaware of the language to understand better.

Reach Out to Us

Our English to Korean subtitling services or vice versa is marked with unimpeachable exactness to fulfill your primary objective behind the same. Get rid of your doubts, if any, while knowing what our clients have to say about our Korean subtitling services.

Korean Subtitling Services Features

  • Fast turnaround time
  • ISO standards closed captioning company
  • Experts with vast experience in captioning and subtitling services

Some of the file formats that we accept for subtitling online services are; MicroDVD, .Ogg Writ, .LRC, .Timed Text, .SubRip, . SubViewer and more.

Elevating Accessibility and Engagement: The Impact of Korean Captioning Services in the USA

The Korean language has woven its way into the fabric of the United States, marking significant milestones in both cultural and demographic landscapes. With pivotal years such as 1903, when the first Korean immigrants arrived in Hawaii, to more recent developments in digital media and entertainment, the presence of the Korean language has steadily grown. As of the latest report in 2020, there are approximately 1.1 million Korean speakers in the United States, accounting for about 0.34% of the total U.S. population. This demographic showcases a diverse group, with 52% female and 48% male speakers, and a significant portion spread across various age groups, highlighting the language's cross-generational appeal. The relevance of Korean language services extends beyond the personal, touching various industries such as entertainment, technology, and education, which can significantly benefit from Korean captioning services. Important years like 2012, when "Gangnam Style" became a global phenomenon, underscore the growing influence and necessity for inclusive language services in the U.S. market.

Korean captioning services are indispensable in the United States, catering to a broad audience that includes not only the Korean-speaking community but also learners and enthusiasts of the language and culture. These services bridge communication gaps, ensuring accessibility and inclusivity for all, particularly for the hearing impaired and non-native speakers. In professional settings, Korean captioning facilitates business communications, webinars, and educational content, making them accessible to a wider audience. Personally, they enhance the enjoyment and understanding of Korean media, including dramas, movies, and music videos, fostering a deeper cultural exchange and appreciation. The necessity for Korean captioning services stems from a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, enabling individuals and industries alike to connect, learn, and grow in a multicultural landscape. By providing accurate and timely translations, Korean captioning services not only promote language accessibility but also contribute to the enrichment of the American cultural mosaic.

Why Choose Vanan Captioning for Your Korean Subtitling Needs?

At Vanan Captioning, we specialize in providing top-tier Korean subtitling services that cater to a global clientele. Our unique offering includes multilingual project management, enabling seamless translation across multiple languages from a single source, which significantly simplifies client workflows. We excel in culturally customized subtitles that go beyond mere translation to embrace local cultural nuances, ensuring that your content resonates with its intended audience while maintaining its original tone and intent.

We are committed to precision in every project we handle, supported by a team of expert linguists who understand the intricacies of language and cultural context. This expertise is especially critical in fields requiring high accuracy and specialization, such as legal, medical, educational, and entertainment sectors.

Vanan Captioning is your go-to solution for comprehensive and culturally aware Korean subtitling services, designed to meet the diverse needs of modern businesses and media producers. Let us help you connect with your audience effectively and efficiently.